These are a combination of mini(40mm paper liners) Vanilla butter & Chocolate cupcakes, 70 pieces in total. They were fun to do (my first time) but very limited space to get creative with designs.
Oreo Cookies cupcakes
A lovely girl Tasha, came all the way from Shah Alam to collect this Chocolate cake for her Mom's surprise birthday do. She described her Mom as a gardening enthusiast, I immediately thought of flowers. Tasha wrote me today to say her mother and all her aunties loved it! I love getting such feedback! *grins*
Another Moist Chocolate cake.
A Royal Malaysian Military College alumni turns 60. The design on the cake followed the logo/theme for the surprise birthday party.
Moist Chocolate cake
I get a little nervous when asked to do cakes that are 'different'. Having said that, you actually cannot taste the difference. This Eggless Carrot and Orange cake with Citrus buttercream topped with candied citrus peel and ginger smelled wonderful while baking and looked yummylicious (as someone described it) when done!
And the good 'ol vanilla butter and chocolate cupcakes.