Having baked, mixed, stirred, coloured, kneaded, cut, frilled, fluted, swirled, leveled, tasted, washed and dried for the past 4 days with minimum sleep, I get to enjoy today with some lemang and rendang and give my hands some rest and TLC. Oh, and of course up-dating my blog!
Moist chocolate cake covered in luscious chocolate ganache. The sugar roses couldn't quite dry as it has been raining almost daily. Making them in this high humidity was an ordeal in itself!
Butterscotch cake. Iced with buttercream and topped with sugar roses.
The Sesame Street gang.
Using edible images.
Selamat Hari Raya dearie!!! I have to say, your roses are just a delight to see. I could just be lost in their soft petals (tengah imagine myself macam thumbelina la ni) They are just gorgeous!
Would really love to see you again, someday yea Ivy, someday.
Thanks my dear, however I'd like to make bigger roses, do you know where I can get bigger than the ones offered by PME?
God willing we will bump into each other one day! Meanwhile you stay safe, k?
The basket weave you created for the Selamat Hari Raya cake... was that fondant you used? I've been trying to accomplish something similar using icing, but it's been a disaster. Maybe fondant would be a better choice for me. Also, how on earth did you create the preimeter of that cake?! It's awesome!
Hi Nikki
Yes, that was fondant using the lattice pie crust method. Using icing in a similar method is not any more difficult, I do it all the time for cupcakes. You just have to keep the edges neat.
The icing decoration method was done using a star tip, going horizontally and continuously in the figure 8. Not unlike the swirl method going clockwise and then in the anti clockwise direction.
Hope this helps. Good luck!
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