Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I think the above picture is befitting for today. It was my last project before graduating from the PME Sugar paste course. The criteria was to feature 2 'bubble' figures and a sugar paste drape but otherwise Calvin (our instructor whom we teased mercilessly) said it was freestyle. Most went for the wedding theme and I must say the works that were produced were very impressive!

Besides Calvin, our very patient instructor, I also have to thank Suan, my partner in crime during the course. Also a fellow ex-advertising industry person, Suan was literally my strong man... sorry, strong person.... throughout the course. Thanks for all your help Suan, I hope we can do another course together.

I never got to taking it easy this month, I have loads more pictures to share. I'll feature them in my next blog entry. I just want to put my feet up for a couple of days and give my swollen ankles a rest.


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

A December to go slow

As much as I like to be kept busy, I think I owe it to myself to take it easy this month. Enjoy my birthday and leisurely prepare for Christmas with the family. I was already midway preparing for my Christmas 2008 toppers when a sudden change of date for the last PME sugarpaste class kinda threw everything outta whack. But I'm still taking orders until the 20th, afterwhich I will come back with some changes to my menu and a long overdue price revision, nothing drastic I promise!

My works for the last week:

Oreo Cookies and Chocolate cupcakes with a request for 5 little gumpaste piggys and to go easy on the icing.

Vanilla butter & chocolate mini cupcakes

I made 6 different cupcake flavours in 1 day and I for the life of me I cannot remember which is which except for the distinct chocolate ones. The others were Vanilla butter, butterscotch, double orange, marmalade and coconut orange. Luckily I labelled the boxes as I went along but I seriously doubt if any of the customer would have complained if they received the wrong order. How's that for being cock-sure?! *grins*

Oh, and for some of these I was asked to be generous with the icing. How I love to hear those magical words!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

So much to do and so little time

Wow... 2 weeks just zoomed past or has it been 3? I've been attending a sugar paste course and baking in between. Some people are asking about Christmas cakes already and I'm like "Christmas is here??" Sometimes I wished there was 3 of me, firstly so I don't have to explain what needs done, secondly 2 of us can stay home to bake while the other does all the running around and thirdly, we can take turns working sometimes up to 5am!

The weather lately... sigh... so buttercream unfriendly! I should be grateful that I don't work with fondant so much. Our beautiful sugarpaste designs all fell off the cake as soon as we brought them home... horrors.... a dreadful thought if it was really for a customer!

Anyways, enjoy the pics below!

Vanilla butter cake

Mini vanilla butter cupcakes

I didn't expect this order to turn out so Christmassy looking!

Johann celebrates being 1 month old. The 2. empty spots are to be filled with red eggs

Monday, November 10, 2008

A belated Halloween

I know, I know... it's long over but I'm so behind with my updates!

Hope y'all had a scary one!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

No prize for guessing right!

I baked all these on the same day. Actually there were 2 more but I feel they're kinda ordinary looking to feature. Anyways, can you guess what these all have in common?
Look at bottom of post for answer.

Semolina (sugee) cake

Butterscotch cupcakes with caramel frosting

Semolina (sugee) cake

Double Orange cake

A mix of vanilla butter, chocolate and butterscotch cupcakes.

Chocolate cupcakes

Orange cupcakes

I basically used only 3 colours... white, green and pink. Except for that little bit of yellow I had leftover.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Is this all?

I swear I cannot get used to the layout of this blog. I apologize if the pictures are haphazard and un-creatively laid out. I have to work from bottom up and it's not unlike driving in reverse!

It felt like I was baking my buns off (pun intended) all week but when I look at the pictures, I say, "Is that all?"

Moist chocolate cake. This size is approximately 3Kg.
Butter cake. Still very much a favourite and my best seller.
Vanilla butter cupcakes... all 50 pieces of them.
A mix of vanilla butter and choc cupcakes
Butterscotch cupcakes with caramel frosting
Vanilla butter cupcakes
Strawberry cupcakes

Double Orange cake

Sugee (semolina) cake

Monday, October 13, 2008

3 babes and an older gentleman

Eggless vanilla butter cupcakes for Szu's granddaddy's 67th birthday
For Sue, Terence and their newborn. Congratulations to the new parents!

Elaine celebrates her 2 months old baby with a moist Chocolate cake

Aidan turns 3

Sue ordered these for the doctors and staff at the hospital where she delivered her baby boy